"I know what conscience is, to begin with. It is not what you told me it was. It is the divinest thing in us. Don't sneer at it, Harry, any more - at least not before me. I want to be good. I can't bear the idea of my soul being hideous." Oscar Wilde (The Picture Of Dorian Gray)
"We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path." Paolo Coelho

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Dear lovebirds,

It's been a couple of days, because frankly, there wasn't that much to write about.
I have had two auditions in the meanwhile, one for the Burlesque Troupe on campus, called 'Porcelain Baby', and one for the Shakespearean Rock Musical 'Two Gentlemen In Verona'.
So let me update you a little on those two first.

Porcelain Baby: this audition went mad well. We did a dance routine to a remix of three Lady GaGa songs (ugh) and I got in. Fine, not that big of an achievement, but still an achievement, I guess. I'm really happy and grateful I got in, but unfortunately had to sort of 'bail out', because I'm scared I won't be able to fully commit to it once it takes off. And considering I'm the kind of person who really likes to be involved and gets really committed (sometimes overly committed)(most of the time, actually) to something she has started, I think it is smart of me to realise I actually have an aweful amount of work to do and take a step back. I mean, I would love to participate IN ANY WAY with Porcelain Baby, but I don't want to be slacking off in any way, not with Porcelain Baby, and definitely not with my other priorities, like academic and social ones. So yeah. I told them 'SOZZZZ but I won't be able to make the steady commitment :('.

Two Gentlemen In Verona: this audition went adequately ok-ish. I came across Jasen while on my way to the audition and asked him if he was auditioning. He said he was not. I convinced him to audition anyway and before he could say yes (or no, for that matter), I dragged him into the Performing Arts Centre and wrote down his name in the one slot that was left during my audition time. We paired up, chose a scene to do, practiced our songs for a good 15/20 minutes and then started practicing our scene. Jasen has a beautiful singing voice, AND he is a guy, so of course they cast him for the chorus. He really deserved it, because his audition was great. Partially because I'm a first year, partially because I'm a girl, and partially because my audition wasn't as great as it could have been (all my other auditions this year were a lot better and way more impressing than this one)(I like to blame Shakespeare for this one).. I didn't get cast. That's okay though. Yeah, no, it's not okay. But I try not to get too affected by it, considering the work I do in my acting class (called 'Actor In Action) is pretty awesome and I'm proud of whatever it is that I do in/achieve with those classes. It's a work in progress. It would just be REALLY nice to be able to present myself on stage some time this year. Thankfully, there are about a billion other auditions that I can prepare for, which I love (God, I'm such a nerd when it comes to theatre!), so I can't even pretend that this is close to fatal (or anything of the sorts). Let's just hope that I'll do better at the coming auditions and will continue to grow in a steady pace, so I can make the people around me and myself proud.

The other day I made Mexican food with Joseph and it was pretty damn amazing. Everybody died, because it was so spicy, but it was too delicious not to touch. Yesterday, I made fillo dough cigars with aforementioned Joseph (it's his way of paying his rent; he's a commuter and stays at our apartment the once in a while when he has too much work to do or an early class the next day [or when he simply doesn't feel like going back to Manhattan for a change]. So instead of paying us, he teaches me how to cook! Hehe), filled with tofu, mushrooms, onions, garlic and red pepper powder (which is worth GOLD). We also made home made garlic bread, which to be honest, was the best garlic bread I've ever had.
I'm happy as a bird with a french fry that I am the founder of the 'Adopt A Joseph' program. And so are all my friends, considering they all come over as soon as they know that JOSEPH IS COOKING IN HILL HOUSE 3B AGAIN.

Bad news spreads fast, but at Sarah Lawrence College.. The good news spreads even faster. I blame it on the squirrels.

Love and Art,

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